Just The Way You Are - cover MLM

Academic Vocabs

- I contributed to our classes discussion on cheese.

- Her story helped gave me an insight for the conflict between her and her friend.

- The pictures helped evident the crime scene.

- Poets express themselves by making poems.

A Boy Named Sue


- You should learn how to read because there is a big potentially chance that you will need that skill to do work when you grow older.

- They gave me a proposal about whether i should go to UK or not to study and i still cannot decide yet.

- The gangsters always have hazards in their pockets such as guns, knife, etc.

- She gave us an empowered rule that allow us to speak Vietnamese when we need to explain something for each other.

- They gave us ample amount of food to each for today.

Vocabulary - "Drumbeats and Bullets" & "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh"

- The students' voices started to intensified and it made the teacher couldn't hear his own voice.

- The climax of a story is very vital. Because it shows how the characters in the story change.

- When they started to believe in immortality, they were scared of nothing.

- The cars were legitimate to park there and no one could dismiss them.

- I was sitting in the classroom, and suddenly my leg was shaking caused by the tremor phone in my pocket.


Reckless Talent Show 2011