Compare and Contrast between Charlie's experiences and Adam and Eve in the Bible

In the story Flowers for Algernon, Charlie was a person that was very dumb and suddenly, after an operation, he became smart. Just like Adam and Eve, they were so innocent and suddenly, after ate the apple, they had been punished and lived in a sad life.

Charlie was so dumb and stupid. He knew nothing and understood nothing. People in the factory that he worked for always made fun of him and laugh at him. But to him it was normal, because he think they liked him and he didn't understand that he was being making fun of. But since after the operation, he changed. He became smarter, he knew things that he didn't know, he understood things that he didn't understand before. People in the factory started to hate him because of his intelligent. Thanks to Charlie's intelligent, the factory saved $10,000 per year and it made the others in the factory hate him even more.

Adam and Eve were two innocent people that God made and all they did was follow the God's rule and enjoy there wonderful life. But one day, there was a snake appeared from no where and told Eve to eat the apple that God said they cannot eat it. Eve told Adam to take the apple down the tree. Right after Adam took it down, God appeared and punished them, sent them to a place with many difficulties that they have to pass.

The story Flower for Algernon and the story about Adam and Eve have the same idea, the same theme. They all talk about the changes and the challenging in those changes.


Ami said...

I like what you did to your post, Linda! You seperated your opinions into many paragraphs and they're very interesting to read. I don't know that much information like you do about Adam and Eve until I read this post. Nice job!

Patrick said...

Great job Linda.

Patrick said...

Good Linda. They did have very similar experiences. In both stories they gain knowledge and that knew knowledge changes the characters' lives.

Alex Nguyen said...

Awwwwwwwwww.... What a great job mama (Linda of course, who else can be mama? :)) did! :)

Love it, how you divide things into different paragraphs. That makes the thing easier to chew for me :). For example, Lisa's (and mine too, oops) has one thick chunk of a second paragraph. And it totally confuses me when I reread to check. Nice job!:)

Maybe next time you can improve by doing more comparing and contrasting. (well, because that's the question :)) You tell me two separate plots, maybe you should tell me how they are related. Also, I feel that you compare a little bit more than you do the other thing, where are the contrasting parts? If you add them in, I think that it would help the response become better.

Really good response you did Linda. Hope that in the future you will have better responses. GO LINDA!!!

Linda said...

Ami: thanks a lot lot :)I'm glad you like it and understand more about Adam and Eve.

Linda said...

Mr. Sullivan: thanks a lot for your comment. I found their similar,but i couldn't find the differences yet. :(

Linda said...

Alexxxxxxxxx: thanks son!!!!!!!!!!! real glad i made it clear so you can understand or chew the answer better.

I will take your advise and try to improve in my next post. and i couldn't find any differences between the two stories. (sad)

but thanks a lot.

Unknown said...

Oh wow, this blog post was written so long ago. I'm not sure if you're still active on here Linda, but thank you for writing this. It helped me understand it more lol

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