Vocabulary - A Retrieved Reformation

- She was very anguish after her grandmother's death.

- Everybody should have a clemency to fix their mistakes because nobody are perfect.

- The thief was an elusively runner that the cops couldn't catch him.

- I hope my broken leg will rehabilitate faster so I can play sports again.

Trang-My Best Friend!

Trang is my best friend for 7 years now. We had never study together but our parents know each other. We used to go to each other house every week. I am the only friend that she come and sleep over. Every time she comes to my house, we go out and ride bike. She is taller than me and she has black long hair. She is very energetic. She is good at almost every kind of sports and she is studying in BIS. We are very close and we still sleep at each other houses every holidays.


Dear Haley,
How are you girl? It has been a VERY long time since we last write to each other, don’t you think? I had missed you a lot, you have no idea! How’s your studying so far? I heard you are having a very hard time doing all the school works, hah? So that is why, I want to invite you, to persuade you to go camping with me this weekend so you can relax your mind and have some fun!

I know, I know you don’t like camping and get dirty or having an incident, and the only thing you always do is study and study. But guess what? OPEN YOUR MIND! Think about it! If you go camping with me, you will enjoy, have fun and you don’t have to be stress and always think about studying. You will meet some more friends than just knowing me. You will know more about the nature, about the people around us. Don’t you want to know how they live like? Don’t you want to know how to feel like to sleep in the forest? You love science, don’t you? So this is a wonderful opportunity for you to relax your mind, for you to explore the world. When you go camping, you can interact more with people so you understand them more, you know? And I’m sure this time, the weather will be a good factor for us to go camping so you should go with me. I’m sure you will enjoy, a lot!

Anyway, I hope you will go camping with me. I know we will have a lot of fun there and you will study many more new interesting things. Response me as soon as possible ok? So I can tell the tourist to book for you a spot too. Hope you can go with me. Love you and miss you a lot my dear friend! Take care!
Your Best Friend,

Vocabulary - Hamadi

- In homeroom time, students are very tedious because they have nothing to do.

- My grandfather is very archaic, he is not really open minded and force my family to listen to him.

- She has a vaguely idea about copying my friend's paper.

- I had been inquiring a lot about the social studies homework.

Vocabulary - The Monkey's Paw & Aunty Misery

-She amiably carried me on her back when my legs are hurt.

-He was very presumptuous when the teacher told him he had the 2nd highest score in class.

-Even it was April's Fool Day, he was still credulity about what people were saying.

-I was very pleased of their hospitality when i came to their house.

-He looks really gnarled after he got beaten up by his enemies.


1)Impromptu- I was being called to go to the principle office and it was a very impromptu situation.

2)Tentatively- He turned in tentatively his homework to the teacher.

3)Intently- We have to listen intently while others are talking.

4)Probing- We will have to do a lot of probing in biology class.

5)Ominous- This is beginning to look very ominous for him.