Future in Dreams ( not fix yet )

“Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in 2010, Hollywood presents you “Renew Christmas” and pleased let me introduce to you Charlie Wason in the roll of Rockley. Well will premier this movie on December 27th.” - The MC said as Charlie appeared on the bright, colorful stage. He was wearing his black suit, black tie and black shoes. He also wore a diamond ring on his right hand and a diamond earring on his left ear. Charlie was a very famous actor and he was very popular. He liked to tell jokes, helping people… ON SCREEN so that’s why many people liked to watch his movies because they didn’t know the real him. In real life, he scared of little dust because it could make him dirty so he always sat in his Limousine. He also disliked babies and children because he thought they are annoying. He went to bars and clubs almost every single day and he used his money on clothes, diamonds, while all the magazines said he used it for charity. Many actresses and actors got annoyed and hated him for his arrogant and selfishness. He always thought himself as the best and insulted other people.

“Hey dude! What the heck make you so stupid, eh? Can’t you understand what does YELLOW mean? I want this flower on this shirt to be YELLOW, NOT red! Go and tell that guy to change it! MAKEUP!” – He shouted at his assistant and gave him an angry glared. His entire makeup people ran towards him and started to give him a makeover for the next shoot. Charlie is shooting his new movie, “Shout it out Loud” and he was the main actor in it. He was very proud of himself to be the main character in the movie and he laughed and offended other co-actors and actress.

People around him started to get annoyed by him and hate him more days to days and they started to pass by him. Whenever he tried to talk to them, they just walked away like they didn’t hear anything. After years came by, the magazines and some of the star television shows started to get bored of interviewing him so they stopped. The audience started to forget about him and they didn’t watch his movies anymore. No produces wanted to invite him to act in their movies anymore and he became a No-One-Knew person. He became poorer and poorer for spending his money without getting any in. He couldn’t understand why people hated him so much, while he was the most popular person on earth. But then, he heard some people looked at him and said, “Hey! Does this face look similar to you? He is the old actor that had never let anyone borrow anything and always said he did charity, while he didn’t. Remember?” After heard that, he started to wonder how come people think he was like that and he thought back about his actions in the past. He understood and regretted! When he went home, he looked at the mirror, and he had been shocked by seeing himself with white hair and big white beard that he didn’t even notice for so many years.

“OMG!!!! What the heck is happening to me? Ahhhhhhhh! Why do I have such big beard and white long hair like this? Is anyone there? Is anyone there? Ahhhhhhh!” – He screamed and jumped up from the bed. He found himself on being surrounding by his maids with their surprising eyes and they were wondering what had happened to him. Usually what we would do was yelling at them and said “What are you standing for? Go do your works man!” but this time, he smiled at them and said “I just had a weirdest dream ever, but I LOVE it! Are you guys’ hungry? Cuz I am! Let go out and have dinner shall we?” Everybody was surprise by his invitation but they were all happy and they answered him “Sure! Why not?”, and they went out to eat dinner. From that day, he was very nice to everyone. He did charity, helped many people and everybody loved him.


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